Sunday, February 24, 2008

My lastest indulgence

Yes, this is my latest indulgence - Korean drama.
And yes, i seems crazy. The show "My girl" is currently showing during the weekends over the TV. Well, the reason why i still bought it is becos of the time slot that it is showing can't fit into mine. Usually when it is showing on TV, i either missed the first half becos i'm having dinner outside or i would be on the road going home. Therefore decided to purchase it and watch in my own timing.
My 1st show of korean drama was "Stairsway to heaven". Nice show. Subsequently watch many other like "Full house", "My name is Samsoon" (my favourite - probably becos of the baking in the show which is another of my passion), "Lover in Paris", "Jewel Palace", etc, etc. - all borrowed from my colleague. Well, now is the time for me to contribute my part. Korean Drama, here i come.

Friday, February 22, 2008

Wise Words

Have not been updating any thing in this blog for quite sometime already. Since i have some spare time today, decided to browse thru' some of my old email. Found these wise word shared by a friend. Found the words are really wise and would like to keep it for future reading. Therefore, here i am, putting it in my "filing cabinet".